Due to the fact that each company faces a unique set of cyber risks, threat intelligence must take a 360° flexible perspective of sector-specific threats. At this stage, Cyber Threat Intelligence providers address the business’s critical requirements by using a variety of intelligence sources to conduct a complete and holistic study of the risks confronting companies.

  • OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE Search engines, malware analysis, exchange rate platforms, TLD’s, IoC’s Pastebin sites.
  • HONEYPOT / TRAFFIC ANALYSIS TOOLS Tools that enable organizations to detect or prevent unauthorized access to information systems.
  • COMMUNICATION PLATFORMS OF THREAT ACTORS Jabber, Telegram, Discord, GitHub, ICQ, Skype, IRC, Keybase and social media channels.
  • SECURITY INTELLIGENCE Published on platforms such as Local/Global Hacking forums, Darknet markets; monitors media containing data such as stolen credit cards, identity informations, user informations.